

Here you will find a selection of unique recipes for tasty dishes with a very special touch.

Salade fruitée avec vinaigrette au thé

Verser 300 ml d‘eau bouillante sur le mélange aux fruits et laisser infuser pendant 15 minutes. Ajouter la moutarde, le jus de citron, le sirop d‘agave et le sel marin et mélanger. Laisser refroidir jusqu‘à ce que...

Matcha Egg Benedict

Wash the rocket salad and cut into bite sizes. Slice the tomato and avocado. Cut the cress with scissors and keep for later. Poach the eggs in boiling water with vinegar for approximately 4 minutes...

Asparagus Risotto

Brew the Jasmine tea with 1 litre of 75-80°C hot water. Let infuse for 3 minutes and strain into a pot. Chop the onion and watercress, grate the parmesan. Rinse the asparagus and cut off the bottom...

Thai Curry Soup

Brew the green Sencha Fukujyu tea from Japan with 1 litre of 75-80°C hot water. Let it infuse for 3 minutes and strain into a pot. Wash the fresh vegetables. Peel the carrots and cut into sticks...

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